Saturday, June 9, 2007

Newcastle - Welcome to the Future

It is tragically ironic that such devastating climate chaos was unleashed on Newcastle and the Hunter Region the very next day that Frank Sartor approved the controversial Anvil Hill Mine.

How dare this arrogant Government sentence future generations to this kind of climate mess.

I found Frank Sartor’s performance on Friday night’s Stateline equally shocking. The ‘Why stop raping, as someone else in the world will rape if we don’t’ logic to the expansion of the fossil fuel industry is ethically moribund.

It is now obvious that the coal ship traffic jam was an engineered publicity stunt gone wrong to put pressure on the general public to bury their (justified) climate change concerns, stomach these new mines and continue to allow NSW Inc. to go on with business as usual.

We are living under a fossil fuel dictatorship.

Unfortunately this ‘black river of gold’ has turned into a river of mud, and one of the ships has beached itself like a biblical whale. Welcome to the future?

We again call upon the NSW Government to stop its blockade of a clean and green future for our region and completely detox our fossil fuel addiction by 2020.