Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Water Horse

This water Horse was spotted on Horseshoe Beach, Newcastle Australia on the 23rd February 2008.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Newcastle supports the Aboriginal People

Newcastle City Council congratulates the Australian Government on the eve of its historic apology to the Aboriginal Stolen Generations.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Public Vilification of Doug Lithgow

The public vilification of a respected Freeman of the City just because he has the courage to stand up to the big business and political power of this town was wrong (Herald Front Page and Cartoon 2/2/08).

We should respect our elders and listen to what they have to say.

Way back in 1853 our political leadership thought it a good idea under the supervision of Colonel Barney to blow up Nobbys with gun powder.

Luckily for Newcastle this insane proposal was averted thanks to another brave individual, a Mr Thorn who along with a petition to the Governor containing a mere 49 signatures succeeded in convincing His Excellency to KO the idea.

Now in 2008 we are expected to accept the current Nobbys proposal, a privatisation of the icon, as the only way to open up Nobbys to the public. Why should we believe it?

Nobbys deserves our respect and reverence. Everyone opposed and unopposed to this proposal are united in favour of opening up Nobbys to the public. Why distort the facts and state untruths?

Shouting down an individual by such public vilification is a form of bullying, and is not a good example to set in a town that already has a violence problem.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Nobbys Headland Sell Off is an Outrage!

It is a real pity that those that wish Nobbys sold off to the highest bidder have chosen the Christmas season of goodwill to your fellow man and woman as the time to launch a vitriolic attack through the Herald on Doug Lithgow, President of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement and Freeman of the City of Newcastle.

The people of Newcastle are being held to ransom to accept the privatisation of Nobbys as the only means of gaining access our iconic heart. This is untrue. Remove the Nazi concentration style fence and allow people up there to see the beautiful view for free. The vested interests don't want that to happen. Why?

Contrary to the assertion by the developer that they consulted widely on the matter, the fact is that this development was never adequately discussed by our elected democratic Council. It was referred back to the Port Corporation, the very people responsible for the public/private partnership in the first place. (see NCC Minutes for the Development Application Committee 11 July 2006 - DA 05/0468 – 41) How transparent and fair is that?

Nobbys lighthouse and headland should stand open and free to the public 24/7. No strings attached.

While we bicker and argue, and display complete ignorant arrogance of our history, Newcastle is being written out of the National story. And these people say, why care? Heritage is not important. I beg to differ. Our heritage is very important as it enables us to understand who we were, who we are, and who we intend to be. That is supremely important, much more important than selling your soul for a few pieces of silver.

Yours sincerely and Merry Christmas to all,