Sunday, April 22, 2007

New Coal Loader for the Hunter Region

Frank Sartor's decision to approve a third coal loader and expand another in order to send out an extra 100 million tonnes of coal into a world facing environmental catastrophe is a monumental error of judgment. (SMH ''Coal Exports to Double'' 14/4) It will stand as the greatest folly of our generation.

If this decision was a balanced one, as Frank Sartor stated it was (Newcastle Herald ''1 Bn Fix for Hunter Coal'' 14/4), then one billion dollars should have poured into renewable energy technology research and development as well. We have such a facility on Steel River Mayfield known as the CSIRO that could do with the funding. Instead, it is languishing.

Why? Due to poor political leadership renewable energy innovation has been sidelined for the “Clean Coal” solution, also known as the “Stick you Head in the Sand Solution” or the “All the Way with Coal We Say” chorus.

Politicians have campaigned that they want balance in the debate. This is impossible with decisions such as this one.

We have a public transport system that is a mess. We need buses every ten minutes and free, so that catching one becomes easy and effortless. A 1 Billion fix to our public transport system across the nation would be a wonderful investment as well.

Renewable energy and public transport, these are decisions which would deliver Governments great praise. Instead we have no future.

My sincere hope is that this decision is recinded immediately. Please, for the sake of future generations make this happen.

People need to understand that life is not just about money and power.

In order to achieve a future that is not in perpetual war we all need to find a new way to conduct our business on Earth.

This decision will not get us there.

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