Saturday, March 24, 2007

Multifaith Equinox 2007

Here is the film recorded this morning at the Multifaith Equinox 2007 event.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Hipslingers - Rock of Ages (Wise)

Here is the Australian indie band Hipslingers performing 'Rock of Ages' recorded at the Mustard Club Newcastle around 1985.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Newcastle Deserves Better

Dear Newcastle,

It is appalling that the William the Fourth has been left to rot and then put up for sale. It is not surprising given the poor track record of the Newcastle Post Office, Merewether Surf Club, Fort Scratchley and the greatest heritage icon of them all, Nobbys lighthouse, which has all but been privatised.

Rather than take responsibility for the financial crisis, we have seen a divisive debate erupt between those dedicated to our environmental heritage (Blackbutt Reserve) and artistic heritage (Art Gallery), with closures and reductions of services. Both are essential to a vibrant and distinctive city.

With regards to the Newcastle’s violent landscape I cannot believe that after years of warning of the impending ‘ice’ epidemic, we still have no security plan in action. Given that our perennial problems of drunks, vandalism and drive by bashings can hardly be described as new problems.

Where is the leadership? We see more police at peaceful anti war rallies and campaigns against coal exports than on the city’s streets. Attempts to bring people back into the city (peacefully) by efficient public transport is politicised and initiatives such as the markets thwarted by poor decisions and bungling that reduce them to ‘white elephant’ markets instead.

Mayor John Tate’s campaign ad is very telling: “Newcastle deserves better” and needs better. With regards to our heritage, economy and security, we don’t need any more of this style of leadership.

Frankly, Newcastle has suffered enough.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Flying Colours Girl Art 2006


I've uploaded a short film to You Tube of the Flying Colours Girl Art Exhibition that ran during September 2006 and featured the works of Felicity Howard, Rachael Rawson and Catherine Kavanagh Di Gravio.

Flying Colours opened at the Newcastle Art Space (246 Parry Street Newcastle West) on the 7th September 2006 and ran until the 24th September 2006. The Exhibition was opened by University of Newcastle lecturer in School of Drama, Fine Art and Music (incorporating The Conservatorium) Dr Lee Saunders.

More info:

Hipslingers on You Tube


I've recently been getting very nostalgic for the 1980s musings of the indie outfit Hipslingers and located some obscure video footage recorded at the Mustard Club in Newcastle Australia. The Mustard Club was an under 18s venue set up in the city in a grand old theatre. The band played there twice in 1985 and 1986. The video was recorded by a friend of Karin Catt's, whose name escapes me at present, and who was also a guitarist for the local band Yes Commissioner. Thus far I uploaded Rock of Ages (Wise) from the 1985 gig and Strange Days from the 1986 show. The lineup was John Di Gravio (Lead vocals, guitar), Stuart St Hill (Trumpet, Vocals), Darren Rowe (Bass) and Nick Cecire (Drums). The 1986 show included Garry Kosky on Trombone.

I have to thank Matt Ward who helped out with the another four videos of songs from the Hipslingers first lp Panoramic. Sacred Cow was recorded somewhere in the Hunter Valley and directed by Jonathan Samway. Telescope was directed by Robert (Barb) Taylor and used black and white home movies recorded by John Di Gravio together with (then) new footage. He did quite a brilliant job weaving it all together. Psycho-ess and Never the Twain both come from an NBN Telethon recorded sometime in 1989 (I think). Psycho-ess was featured on the 1988 Youngblood compilation album from RooArt. Never the Twain was a single that came off the Hipslingers never released follow up to Panoramic, which went under the working title of "Moof". The lineup for these songs was John Di Gravio (Lead vocals, guitar), Stuart St Hill (Trumpet, Vocals), Kyri Frame (Bass) and Nick Cecire (Drums) and Alex Cifuentes (Lead Guitar).

The last track Fred the Leper came off a home movie of a gig in Civic Park Newcastle during the Mattara festival in October 1989. The lineup featured the Hipslingers with two members of local group the Madding Crowd, Matt (Hooly) Thompson (bass) and Robert Taylor (Guitar) along with two members of the audience on tamborines. It's a personal favourite.

I hope you enjoy these tracks.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Open Letter to Malcolm Turnbull MP on Nobbys Newcastle


The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP
Minister for The Environment and Water Resources

Dear Malcolm Turnbull,

I am very concerned about the proposed development that is taking place at Nobbys Lighthouse in Newcastle.

Nobbys is a spiritual and cultural icon for this city and I am afraid that there have been covert moves between a NSW Government instrumentality and a local developer to have the site privatised. There has been no effective public scrutiny of the development in the Newcastle Herald, and the Newcastle Council referred the matter, without proper debate, back to one of the proponents, The Newcastle Port Corporation. In addition I believe that the proponents, are in breach of s.26 of the Commonwealth EPBC Act in not considering the Commonwealth heritage values of the unique lighthouse, and I understand that the Commonwealth has been alerted to these facts.

I urge you to call a public inquiry on the matter. Further I believe that the proponents should be firmly censured for their breach of the law and that the Lighthouse should be preserved, protected and promoted as a Lighthouse. If the lighthouses of Byron Bay and Port Macquarie can be safeguarded as tourist attractions and centres for their heritage, why can't Newcastle's unique lighthouse be as well?

The public has never been fully involved or consulted with regard to this development and I am angry that these people think they can do what they like with such a culturally important site like Nobbys. They hold the public to ransom by keeping the area fenced off, not allowing the many walkers along the historic Macquarie Pier (1818) to enjoy the 360 views afforded the summit of Nobbys Lighthouse. Instead, they use the question of access to the site as the proverbial "carrot" to force feed the city a privatisation of an icon, saying that the only way people can get back up there is only on the Proponent's terms. I think this is outrageous!

From the artist's impression of the development that we have seen it is clear that the public will not have access to the place at night, only the proponent's customers will be able to enjoy that privilege. Secondly the observation deck faces the ocean, therefore only the proponent's paying guests in the accommodation units will be able to see the beautiful views of Newcastle City. In addition, we have no information on what additional infrastructure needs will effect the site in the operation of such a development. There has been no proper archaeological study of this immensely important site, or of the Pier that connects it to the mainland.

Nobbys Lighthouse should be kept free and open to the people of Newcastle and the Region and be properly managed under a conservation management plan for the whole Coal River Heritage Precinct.

I sincerely hope you will act on this and help protect Nobbys Lighthouse for future generations to enjoy.

Hands Off Our Nobbys


I've just added a new video entitled "Hands Off Our Nobbys" with Doug Lithgow President of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement speaking about the recent redevelopment of the Nobbys Lighthouse in Newcastle Australia.

The Nobbys Lighthouse was established in 1857 and is the oldest operational lighthouse on the Australian coastline.

To the Aboriginal people Nobbys was called Whybagamba, and was the home of a giant kangaroo. Read more about it here.

Nobbys needs to be liberated. It currently looks like it is caged in a Nazi concentration camp. It makes me sick everytime I see it.

The view from up there is beautiful and people should be able to walk up there again.