Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Open Letter to Malcolm Turnbull MP on Nobbys Newcastle


The Hon. Malcolm Turnbull MP
Minister for The Environment and Water Resources

Dear Malcolm Turnbull,

I am very concerned about the proposed development that is taking place at Nobbys Lighthouse in Newcastle.

Nobbys is a spiritual and cultural icon for this city and I am afraid that there have been covert moves between a NSW Government instrumentality and a local developer to have the site privatised. There has been no effective public scrutiny of the development in the Newcastle Herald, and the Newcastle Council referred the matter, without proper debate, back to one of the proponents, The Newcastle Port Corporation. In addition I believe that the proponents, are in breach of s.26 of the Commonwealth EPBC Act in not considering the Commonwealth heritage values of the unique lighthouse, and I understand that the Commonwealth has been alerted to these facts.

I urge you to call a public inquiry on the matter. Further I believe that the proponents should be firmly censured for their breach of the law and that the Lighthouse should be preserved, protected and promoted as a Lighthouse. If the lighthouses of Byron Bay and Port Macquarie can be safeguarded as tourist attractions and centres for their heritage, why can't Newcastle's unique lighthouse be as well?

The public has never been fully involved or consulted with regard to this development and I am angry that these people think they can do what they like with such a culturally important site like Nobbys. They hold the public to ransom by keeping the area fenced off, not allowing the many walkers along the historic Macquarie Pier (1818) to enjoy the 360 views afforded the summit of Nobbys Lighthouse. Instead, they use the question of access to the site as the proverbial "carrot" to force feed the city a privatisation of an icon, saying that the only way people can get back up there is only on the Proponent's terms. I think this is outrageous!

From the artist's impression of the development that we have seen it is clear that the public will not have access to the place at night, only the proponent's customers will be able to enjoy that privilege. Secondly the observation deck faces the ocean, therefore only the proponent's paying guests in the accommodation units will be able to see the beautiful views of Newcastle City. In addition, we have no information on what additional infrastructure needs will effect the site in the operation of such a development. There has been no proper archaeological study of this immensely important site, or of the Pier that connects it to the mainland.

Nobbys Lighthouse should be kept free and open to the people of Newcastle and the Region and be properly managed under a conservation management plan for the whole Coal River Heritage Precinct.

I sincerely hope you will act on this and help protect Nobbys Lighthouse for future generations to enjoy.

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