Monday, March 19, 2007

Newcastle Deserves Better

Dear Newcastle,

It is appalling that the William the Fourth has been left to rot and then put up for sale. It is not surprising given the poor track record of the Newcastle Post Office, Merewether Surf Club, Fort Scratchley and the greatest heritage icon of them all, Nobbys lighthouse, which has all but been privatised.

Rather than take responsibility for the financial crisis, we have seen a divisive debate erupt between those dedicated to our environmental heritage (Blackbutt Reserve) and artistic heritage (Art Gallery), with closures and reductions of services. Both are essential to a vibrant and distinctive city.

With regards to the Newcastle’s violent landscape I cannot believe that after years of warning of the impending ‘ice’ epidemic, we still have no security plan in action. Given that our perennial problems of drunks, vandalism and drive by bashings can hardly be described as new problems.

Where is the leadership? We see more police at peaceful anti war rallies and campaigns against coal exports than on the city’s streets. Attempts to bring people back into the city (peacefully) by efficient public transport is politicised and initiatives such as the markets thwarted by poor decisions and bungling that reduce them to ‘white elephant’ markets instead.

Mayor John Tate’s campaign ad is very telling: “Newcastle deserves better” and needs better. With regards to our heritage, economy and security, we don’t need any more of this style of leadership.

Frankly, Newcastle has suffered enough.

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